But we desperately need a relevant God. We need Him not only in our future but in each moment of our existence, overshadowing every sin and struggle in the depths of our heart. It is when we believe the lie that we must suppress these things or somehow face them on our own that we fall. We cannot worship an empty God who is not doing, working, moving in your life right now, redeeming something else in us. I don't know where we got the idea that we have it all figured out and we're supposed to ignore sin and temptation in our lives like it's the elephant in the room. That is when we lose sight of the Gospel.
I admit it, I still have a lot to deal with inside this heart. I still fight this old body, this unrenewed mind. I still have deep-seated insecurities that I didn't even realize were still in there. But I am weary from holding onto things that are killing me slowly. I am tired of holding onto unforgiveness, the things I have hated secretly about myself in the depths of my heart. I am tired of the secret sin I carry around. I am tired of being an opinion-less body walking around without ever feeling His redemptive power in me. For I realize that I need to know that He is with me now, or I shall die. I need redemption from me.
So I give it all to Him, knowing He will remove it from me as far as the East is from the West. He died so that I may be free, this day and the next unto eternity. If He is the God of the present, than we must meet Him here, taking Him our sin and throwing it from us, lest it grow and slowly kill us, separating us from our one True Love. Paul says the inner man is, "renewed day by day." God is always ready to take whatever burden you need to unshoulder. He is the God of the now. The God of this moment. The God of the present. A relevant God.
You have broken the yoke of my burden
And the staff of my shoulder,
The rod of my oppressor.
Of your increase and peace
there will be no end.
You are a strength to the poor,
A strength to the needy
A refuge from the storm,
A shade from the heat.
You will take away the veil that is across the earth.
There is no darkness,
No death, no doubt
that Your Grace will not drown
In Light.
I will rejoice in Your salvation
from my first breath to my last,
For You have taken my filthiness
And made me clean again.
May the full knowledge of the redemption of Christ flood your heart today,