Thursday, April 14, 2016

To All The Dreamers and The Old Souls...

Some days, memories linger on the edge of my consciousness. Some are sweet like honey as they fall into my mind, and some leave a bitter taste in my mouth. Some that resurrect feelings of hope, and some that cause me to clench my fists in desperation. Some are from my past, pulling me back to a time that I would have forgotten if it weren't for the memories that are so real I can still see them now. Some are from my future, calling me forward to a time that I have never seen but somehow hunger for. Either way, I am surrounded by memories on all sides.

We all live in the present, or so we're told. We are told that this moment now, that we experience, is what is true, is what is real. We know that it is the year of 2016, that it's April now, because the lilacs bloom and the Oregon natives can finally be seen wearing their shorts.

But I must admit it... The present is not always where I am living. Sometimes, I am more present in my past or my future than in the moment I am in, the moment that is the most important. I often spend my days reveling in what was or dreaming about what's to come than I do looking at the person in front of me and really seeing them and hearing them. I know that my past has the ability to shape me, and my future has the ability to lead me, but I give them so much power over right now.

I yearn for the grace and strength to be able to live here. To be able to love fully, not remember love as it was before or as it will be. I know Love Himself calls to us from the past or future, but most of all from the beautiful and perfect Present. I have a deep-down feeling that if a generation of people can start to cultivate this type of resting into their days, than everything will change. I think real Love dwells in the Present, and that, after all, is what we are all searching for.

I love memories. They are gifts. They are truly a wonder to be able to experience. And dreaming? That's one of the greatest gifts I have ever known. But I must give this moment it's proper place. First.

To all my dreamers who love to dream,
And to my old souls who love to remember,
Know that you are free.


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